Top 10 Reasons You Should Rethink Your Paid Search Strategy

 Complacency is a silent killer of otherwise successful paid search strategies. When marketers stop rethinking and continuously improving their accounts and campaigns, they stop moving forward and begin sliding back.

The world of paid search is always changing, which means there is no such thing as a perfect strategy. Rethinking your efforts is a necessary step in the optimization process. Here are 10 reasons why you can’t delay in rethinking your PPC marketing.

1. The Landscape Is Changing

As mentioned, change is inevitable. Ad platforms change, audience behaviors and attitudes shift, competitors adjust their strategies, and so on. If you aren’t recognizing these shifts and adjusting your campaigns accordingly, then you are ignoring the future and essentially becoming a PPC dinosaur. Don’t prepare for extinction, work to thrive!

2. Your Competitors Are Rethinking Their Strategies

Your competitors are also aware of the shifts occurring in paid search and they are already adapting their strategies to match the future landscape. You shouldn’t always follow your competition’s footsteps, but this is a case where your inactivity will cause you to lag behind. The farther you fall behind, the more difficult it will be to catch up in the future.

3. Your Business Has Changed

When you first began supporting your business with paid search marketing, your company was in a different place. Times have changed! Hopefully, they’ve changed for the better. These changes to your business impact your advertising goals. Part of rethinking your paid search strategy is ensuring that the direction of these efforts matches your company’s current objectives.

4. Your Budget Has Changed

As your business changes, so does your budget. You have more ad spend to work with than when you first started. Novice marketers make the mistake of investing this new budget solely into their existing strategies. You should also think about how you can use the added budget to explore new opportunities.

5. New Opportunities Create New Results

You can’t turn over the same rocks and expect different results. If you want to improve your paid search strategy, then you need to move beyond your comfort zone and experiment with outside-the-box tactics. Some of these new strategies will payoff and provide significant returns.

6. There Are New Ad Formats And Features To Explore

Some of these new opportunities manifest as new features and formats released by ad platforms. For example, Google Ads is always developing new ways for advertisers to reach their target audiences. When was the last time you looked at the latest developments? There may be a new feature that makes your life easier or an ad type that fits your brand’s message perfectly.

7. The 80-20 Rule

The 80-20 rule states that 80% of your gains are created by only 20% of your activities. You can apply this to mean a small minority of your keywords and ad groups will provide the majority of your returns. Do you know what these 20% are versus the other 80%? Rethinking your paid search strategies with this principle in mind can help you make the most of your time and budget.

8. Adopt An Entirely New Way Of Thinking

The aforementioned out-of-the-box thinking that is so crucial for successful PPC marketing is about finding new and different ways to approach paid search. You don’t want to be thinking like the other PPC marketers because your campaigns will just end up mirroring theirs. Instead, you want to think differently and create new experiences that audiences haven’t seen elsewhere!

9. Produce More ROI!

What’s the purpose behind finding new opportunities, thinking outside the box and all of these other suggestions? Ultimately, it comes down to your ROI. Rethinking your paid search strategy is really about finding ways to make it better. And, this improved performance leads to more returns. Maximizing your ROI means a healthier bottom line and more money to dedicate towards future advertising endeavors.

10. Automation Tools Change Task Priorities

Artificial intelligence and automation are huge topics of discussion in the marketing world right now. Thanks to these tools, marketers can spend their time on more important tasks, leaving AI to handle the low-impact duties that eat up a lot of time. By freeing up lots of time in a marketer's daily routine, there is a lot more freedom in paid search strategies. How are you going to use automation to make your management duties easier and what will you do with the time?


The only reason you really need to rethink your paid search strategy is that it is necessary for survival. If you aren’t adapting to changes and tirelessly working towards improving your efforts and maximizing your ROI, then you’re destined to fall behind in the end.


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